Possessing the Benefits of Life

“. . . Seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence” (2 Peter 1:3).

WHEN WE POSSESS A NEW NATURE and our spirit is indwelt by the Holy Spirit, we gain many benefits and advantages that are simply not possible as a non-believer.

The following are 10 such attributes that we gain:

  • Security – Our security is in the unchanging Christ, not in the accolades of the world.
  • Significance – Our worth is based on the price God paid (Christ), not on our possessions or position.
  • Satisfaction – Our fulfillment is found in eternal things, not temporal.
  • Power – Our power comes from the infinite power of Christ rather than our limited resources.
  • Life – We gain a life that lives on into eternity with God rather than holding on to a physical life.
  • Wisdom – God says He will give us His wisdom, which is far greater than our own.
  • Vision – Vision comes from God who is beyond time and space versus our limited perspective.
  • Love – We are loved unconditionally and forever by God rather than the conditional love of people.
  • Wholeness – An eternal life makes us whole; we are restored to function.
  • Peace – God becomes our peace because we give up control and rest in Him.

You are rich in the Lord!

“Faith is like a channel through which the benefits of Christ flow to us. Faith itself is a gift of God.” — Alister McGrath


Purchase the Entire Devotional – “Experiencing Christ as Life and Leader” 

The devotion above was taken from the 52-week Devotional entitled “Experiencing Christ as Life and Leader”.

Many give a mental assent to this teaching yet are often asking, “What do I do? What does Christ as life look like?“ Too often Christians err by moving too far to one side or the other—reducing the Christian life to a list of do’s and don’ts, or they actually do nothing.

These inspiring weekly devotions are just some of the actions that reflect the life of Christ in each of us, and they explore four areas as we follow the One Leader, Jesus Christ –

  • A Foundational Focus
  • A Personal Focus
  • A Relational Focus
  • A Missional Focus

Be challenged, encouraged, and spurred on to a deeper walk with Christ.

Purchase Your Copy in our online store

Purchase Your Copy on Amazon

1 thought on “Possessing the Benefits of Life”

  1. The talk about “leadership” and “training” leaders seems to have less emphasis in the Bible than training servants and servanthood.

    In any institution train someone to be a leader . . . .when that person finished the course he goes out and wants to lead! He sits in a church and waits for sinners to come to him(to give him their cash of course) and does not do anything to share what he has on the streets, in prisons, hospitals and war zones. No. . .no: why because he has mind programmed to “lead ”

    Train a person to serve – to wash dirty feet, change dirty nappies, spend the night on the street sharing the Good News to the poor. When he finishes the training. . . .(guess what!) he will do as his mind has been programmed – go out and serve.. . . just like the Master.
    Oh yes it helps a lot when he has had a trainer who . ..washed his dirty feet, changed dirty diapers. . . .

    There is an ‘incarnational” way of training which produces disciples – followers of the Lord, not leaders.
    Another twisted self contradictory term is “servant leader”. Perhaps a mentality of borrowing from the world leadership models inspired this term : it does not make any sense.

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