Walking with God

“Enoch walked with God” (Genesis 5:24).

THE REALITY OF A PERSON’S WALK WITH GOD is not how they do when things are going well; rather, it is revealed when times are difficult or even in the ordinary humdrum of life. This is the real test for each of us. Our hearts are exposed when challenges arise or when life is extremely ordinary. How do we act? What do we do? What do we think about?

To get in step with God is to put on the mind of Christ, to be in touch with Christ who lives in you. What fresh thoughts have been prompted from God’s Word? What insights have captured your thinking? How has God answered your prayers in new and real ways?

Be careful to not jump ahead of the Lord. This is a tendency for many because we are rushing from here to there busily making things happen. God is never busy or rushing around. We also must realize God’s ways are not our ways. He often has a different path for us to take. So when we walk with God, we must give up on the results and control. Instead, we should leave the end results with God and concentrate on being a faithful steward. Getting into the stride of God means nothing less than being in union with Him. This can be a slow process; yet stay with it and you will realize peace, joy, and contentment.

“In learning to walk with God there is always the difficulty of getting into His stride; but when we have got into it, the only characteristic that manifests itself is the life of God. The individual man is lost sight of in his personal union with God, and the stride and the power of God alone are manifested.” — Oswald Chambers


Purchase the Entire Devotional – “Experiencing Christ as Life and Leader” 

The devotion above was taken from the 52-week Devotional entitled “Experiencing Christ as Life and Leader”.

Many give a mental assent to this teaching yet are often asking, “What do I do? What does Christ as life look like?“ Too often Christians err by moving too far to one side or the other—reducing the Christian life to a list of do’s and don’ts, or they actually do nothing.

These inspiring weekly devotions are just some of the actions that reflect the life of Christ in each of us, and they explore four areas as we follow the One Leader, Jesus Christ –

  • A Foundational Focus
  • A Personal Focus
  • A Relational Focus
  • A Missional Focus

Be challenged, encouraged, and spurred on to a deeper walk with Christ.

Purchase Your Copy in our online store

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